
Dear Duck Parents,

We would like to welcome you and your child to the Duckling Room. This is a very exciting time in your child’s life and our plan is to help your child grow and learn in a fun and welcoming environment.

Our curriculum is based on the High Scope Curriculum. High Scope aligns with the Ohio Early Learning and Development Standards, and learning through play. Our teachers plan activities based on the children’s interests. Children are invited to explore the different centers in the classroom, from dramatic play, to art, to reading, and more. Goals are set throughout the year and teachers work with your children to achieve their goals.

The Duckling Room is filled with fun and excitement throughout the day! Planned activities, story time, music and movement, and gross motor are just some of the things we do. We also work on sitting at the table for meals, drinking from cups, using utensils, and move away from using bottles. These are all things that make the Ducklings more grownup!

We have found the best way to make the transition to the room is by communication. Please inform the teachers if there is any change that may affect your child’s behavior, such as; moving to a new house, a new baby, or even a change in sleep, etc. This helps the teachers better meet the needs of your child and respond appropriately.

We ask you provide the following supplies for your child. (The teachers will inform you of items running low and need restocked.) Clearly label all of your child’s belongings with their name.

  • Blanket & Pillow (soft sleep toy optional)
  • 2 changes of clothes (pants, shirts, socks)
  • Snow apparel (snow suit, boots, mittens, hat - Winter time ONLY)
  • Diapers & Wipes

Lastly, your child will have a daily report filled out each day. The report is filled with diaper changes, nap times, what they ate for the day and something special about your child for the day. If there are any questions, please don’t hesitate to talk to the teachers, you can call them directly in the class 216-433-9178 or talk to them at drop off or pick up.

We are looking forward to fun and enjoyable time with you and your child!

The Duckling Teachers & LLF Staff