
Dear Cubs Parents

WELCOME TO THE CUB ROOM (Intermediate Preschool Room)! We would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to your child’s classroom. The Cub classroom or Intermediate room is a class for children who are too mature for the Puppy room, but not quite old enough for Preschool. Children in this class range in ages from two and half to three and half years old.

The activities and curriculum in this classroom will start very similar to the Puppy room. The will continue to have many hands-on activities and lessons throughout the day that incorporate stories, songs, dramatic play, building with blocks, manipulative outdoor play, and art activities. As we get closer to the next transition, your child’s teacher will also start to introduce preschool level activities and lessons to help make their move-up run smoother.

Children at the intermediate level are children that are more independent then your typical puppy child. However, your child’s teachers will continue to foster your child’s self esteem and independence. They will also continue to use encouraging words and plenty of smiles and hugs also help in boosting their self-confidence. However, please read the below guidelines to help you as a parent of an Intermediate Preschool child:

SUPPLIES NEEDED- Below is a list of items needed in your child’s classroom each day. Please, CLEARLY LABEL ALL of your child’s belongings with his/her name):

    • Pillow, blanket, and soft comfort toy for naptime
    • 2 changes of clothes (2 pants, 1 long sleeve shirt, 1 short sleeve shirt, 2 pairs of socks, and 2 pairs of underwear).
    • Jacket
    • Pull-ups & wipes (for naptime accidents and/or as needed)
    • Snow apparel (snow suit, boots, hat, mittens- only in the winter)

SCHEDULEPlease note that we recommend that in order for your child to be a part of ALL of the educational activities that your child be brought in around 9:00 am. Please do not bring your child in during nap-time as this is disruptive to your child and the other children at this age!

POTTY TRAINING - The goal is to have your child COMPLETELY POTTY TRAINED by the time he/she moves up to this room. However, if your child is not quite potty trained just yet, your child’s teacher will work hard with you and your child to get them ready before the move to preschool. We recommend that you follow the same guidelines at home. Please note the following about Potty training in this classroom:

    • OUT OF PULL-UPS - Children are expected to be in underwear and able to use the potty on their own in this classroom.
    • PROPER CLOTHING - Please remember that properly dressing your child is important in the success of his/her potty training. Looser-fitting outfits that children can easily pull up and down are encouraged. We discourage clothing with excessive snaps, buttons, or zippers like onesies and overalls, because they are frustrating for the children to fasten by themselves.
    • PROPER HYGIENE - In addition, we teach each child to wipe themselves after toileting, and to wash their hands after every potty use. This is important in limiting the transmission of many diseases, and they are really good habits for young children to get into.

We are glad to have your child in our classroom and it is a privilege to share in your child’s growth and development, and to be a part of their young lives!

If you have any questions about the information in this packet or concerns about the classroom please feel free to contact us (Intermediate Preschool classroom/216-433-9177) .

Thank you,

Cub Teachers